Imagine how much just one powerful hour can impact on your business and brand forever.

We are here to support and guide you through your brand journey and growth. We understand that sometimes you need more one-on-one support outside of the classroom. To get at the heart of your brand, you may need personalized guidance and advice on how to evolve your brand.

Personal Brand Coaching Sessions with Amarilis

Let’s deep dive into your brand together to clarify your brand direction, identify challenges, and gain key insights. As your mentor, I’ll coach and encourage you to think like a creative director and become your own visionary. Like haute couture, these sessions are tailored to you specifically, and not every student. Receive special attention and advice from me that’s based on your unique brand.
Coaching with Amarilis

Our Process and How it Works

  • 1. Book Appointment

    You’ll book a coaching call appointment below by choosing the best date and time that works for you. You'll then fill out a questionnaire so we can make sure we go over the main area you’d like to discuss, address your biggest challenge, and answer your burning question.

  • 2. Zoom Call

    On your appointment date, we'll get camera-ready with coffee in hand and have our face-to-face video chat! We'll review your questionnaire and deep dive into your brand. Our video session will be recorded so we can send it to you for future reference and review. This also allows for less note taking, more engagement, and full focus.

  • 3. Notes & Action List

    After we wrap up your meeting, you'll walk away with a recommendation list of action along with our notes and a private link to download our video coaching call session. Our goal is that you leave with clarity, empowered, and encouraged to take your next steps to elevating your brand.

Exclusively for students

Personal Coaching is exclusively available to students enrolled in at least one course at The Luxury Brand Academy. By having a foundational education through our courses, our students can get the most out of our coaching sessions and mentorship. Coaching calls are similar to Nouveau Creative Agency’s client consultations, except we empower you to build your own brand by implementing what you’ve learned in class.

  • Complimentary 1st Brand Coaching Call

  • 1 Coaching call per month at $150 per hour.

Book your Brand Coaching Session